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JPS self portrait

I live in Shanghai where I lead the Asia R&D on Photovoltaic & solar energy of a multinational company.
Serious amateur photographer, I travel the world with an open mind to meet the people, curious eyes to grab all instants, and a camera in my hand to try to catch these instants.

© JP Schweitzer


International & change Manager, 9 years intl experience

Leadership, change management, action oriented, result focused, strong autonomy, adaptability & communication skills, wide technical background

* Curriculum Vitae / Resume



Publications de veille technologique realisees pour la Mission Scientifique et Technologique (MS&T)de l'Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis


Modele 2D d'ecoulement magnetohydrodynamique (rapport ps ou pdf)dans une couche de Hartmann turbulente etabli au Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED).

(c) All rights reserved / Tous droits réservés. © Jean-Philippe Schweitzer. Me contacter.

about JPS